The doctoR53

indeed. Very heavy on E34 and E46 on warm days with recently cleaned/vacuumed interior.

If Meguiars Gold class car was was a scent, I’d have no less then a half dozen at any time. I basically huff that shit when I open it to pour in the bucket.

I’ll forever be sitting in traffic wondering if I’ve got a sticky caliper

They actually are finding evidence for "new car smell" to be pretty hazardous to one's health, what with all the synthetic chemical off gassing of various man-made materials.

Read comment, scrolled down, lol’d, scrolled back up, star’d

This always seems like such a good idea and BAM!!! Lava oil spatter!!

HayaBoosta. TurBusa.

There’s going to be a $19.99 accurate numbers DLC.

The biggest cunt on an Iowa-class since that Cher video!

Can forget about the Ford Interceptor from 2007. This thing is still badass!

Just about any of the Chrysler concepts


The new one (2015) does look huge even next to the R56s though, if I park mine next to one it is noticeable (gratuitous picture of mine for no reason ;) )

i would disagree with his statement, but I would agree the content is unappealing, and yet here I am clicking on every new article that seems to come on here. yay for slow spots at work!

It’s 25% cheaper because it’s 25% rust

They probably had dinner with la Trump a few nights before. I doubt he would call them anything but ‘winners’..

Can’t wait.