The doctoR53

We can defeat North Korea with a big line of the free sample people from Sam’s Club!

Let Marty McFly and Doc pump some Van Halen up there!

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On second thought... who else can do better to demonstrate the South’s material wealth?

“America, Fuck Yeah”

Well, it would have to be Katy Perry - “Firework”, now wouldn’t it?

Jarred just lost his job at subway and uber is always hiring.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... “inhaling” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I laughed out loud, hard, at this one. Saving me on monday, thank you hero.

No one’s blaming the Camry. The driver? Uh...

I’m an autocrosser, you’re an autocrosser, we should autocross each other’s mothers.

This might be the dumbest video anyone has ever made.

Maybe he's counting the ones who've escaped into the mattress?

Overflowing with testosterone.

Also related:

Ape hangers.

Now playing

Speaking of “eligible bachelor” status. Steve himself has a great story on the topic.

Son of a bitch these people can vote. We’re fucked

Pretty sure Kim Jong was Portkins not Luke.