The doctoR53

Yea the scedule is on lemon

Soooo if I check Craigslist there's some good deals on jeeps?

This isn't the usual posts from Florida man

My doctor has an m4... I guess I have part of one?

I'm now recently single but THANK YOU

3rd paragraph in I had to scroll up and say who wrote this and wasn’t surprised...

More stars needed

You know MTV could have made a few bucks off this one...

Oh yea lol. Star Wars logic

Orbital strike. Take out some ewaks but that's fune

I think because he was stealing it became ok.

Good thing it wasn’t an avalanche...

I've heard that the lion roaring was actually filmed when he escaped off a movie set and they used the recording.

Is it gonna come factory with bags and wheels?

You spelt Pokemon go wrong.

I've always wanted to find a detailed picture of the slave I compared to the falcon. Also what was inside the bounty hunter ship.

The dish was used to make up for the blind spot.

John Cooper works seems to be just fine. Then again first gen minis had to be bought as an S then the dealer did the work. Later ones just are ordered as a JCW