The doctoR53

Yes but there will always be that guy drawing a dick on it.

Worth it if your the first to crash it

If my math is right you'll need to pay 33,333 for doing so. But for 1400 will get you an hour.

Hi welcome to the Volkswagen Audi group where le$$ equil$$ more and your family of 4 doesn’t matter.

Cast has problem with the crew- fire the cast

Is it being sold for 38K because he’s trying to make back the cash from it being on the frame machine so many times?

Its always a f****** Camry...

Omg I saw that. I lold so hard

One step closer.

Ok guys game is called standing of the stallions. Last one to move wins

you MAY need an alignment...

i did a burnout in a C4 corvette once.

I've never seen anyone happy to blow up their toy. Junk cars in the back woods yes but not a track car

so wet they are dehydrated

He seriously thinks a meme it's true words. How many mustangs has he crashed?

Here is the problem with mustangs.

Yes they were Volkswagen larva. They then grow into a beetle and over 10 years grow into a vanagon

What I was trying to say

Hooray I still couldn't afford that boat