The doctoR53

Same video. Crazy how they can do that.

There’s one all over Facebook right now that as you move your phone the view changes.

Who needs a upper intake manifold when it's a supercharger on the L67

She's kinda ugly

Race cars came before this “o-zone”

Buy a beater like this guy

Wait. Shit is worth money?

Its because Bruce died shortly after then was reborn

This is true. Engine covers are a copyright label. I read also they want to copyright the ECU aka can't read data or codes as well

My old hawkline had a tank from about 2006 and it just had a vent screw. Just went into the air

Don't worry the windshield wash reservoir is labeled

We need to fart in their Cheerios.

Sure I'll throw a cat on the end of my tAilpipe. It may be 3 inch but it's still a cat

But the loophole is, catback and air intakes can raise MPG. Suck it EPA

Boat fuel tanks now have evap systems on them. I guess that's good for your 15 footer with a grill on the back.

Yes it does suck if we all can’t mod our cars in the future. If we can’t what’s the point of even buying a “fun” car. Might as well be driving a bunch of insights and Priuss. Let’s not forget what those cars gave birth to

Got a point there. If the stratus was brought back it would be Italian

What’s wrong with that...