Yes. I did. You are aweful at being trolled. I work on cars for a living. X's mother had an r32. I just do not understand the whole pull brake thing.
Yes. I did. You are aweful at being trolled. I work on cars for a living. X's mother had an r32. I just do not understand the whole pull brake thing.
Huh. That's how they take trailers off.
Yea. Them pesky Rhode Islanders
Did you know the boat sinks at the end of titanic?
Ok here is my question about aliens such as her and Yoda. Both about a milenia old, is that comparing to earth or their home planets? Their planets could in theory make a orbit in one earth month. This could make Yoda about 75 the time he died.
But what makes it hover And every other vehicle hover? Why did the imperials and republic clones use walkers if everything hovers?
Nah nope. Not his r32. Must be like a DB9 with calipers just for the parking brake.
1. Not a base
Yes I am fully aware. He made a comment about my car being my picture. But yes the mk 4 my x’s mother had
Paint them black. Tie fighter.
Hey my buddy was too. Lawrence tech I think it was. Idk I could be completely wrong
UGH GT2 all day.
Hey. Do you drive a skyline? Or an s60 R or a VW? Look at your name moron
Would have stopped faster if you used that parking brake.
He’s now calling me a POS cause I drive a mini. Well my brake pedal actually stops my car
Good knowing I know how to use my brake pedal.
No he told me his AWD would make him stay in control.
Yea you are right. But it dose have functional 4 wheel breaks. With abs. You know. So I don't slide.
Yea. And I bet you use a digital tire gauge