The doctoR53

Totally possible according to the great Stephen hawking. His theory about how humans were formed involved an asteroid hitting the planet which carried the correct amino acids that make up humans. So he believes that this comet broke up many times and were thrown across the galaxy. So there most likely is humans in a


Been there a few times. Old news

Now playing

are you suggesting we should blow up the moon?

They see me Rollin.

I've had 8 of 10. Now I work on cars for a living. Killed my fun.

Id live there if I was a super villain.

Yea I guess with the seats down I can haul a bunch of stuff. Just its size as a DD often gets to me. But yes the x90 is awesome. Would rock the winter so well.

So where was the falcon. Is Rey the offspring of the solos and that's how she got on jakku. Then why did she gaze on the ship leaving the planet.

Big red standing by.

So the shot of the Falcon flying through the star destroyer is with Rey piloting it. So where is Han and chewie?

Huh. That is cool. Makes sense tho it’s not “factory”

This is everything I wish mine was. And the dual cluster without the giant speedo.

No after 04 i believe that's the year. You could order a JCW in the US and they did the conversions at the dealer.

How have j not posted a mini yet.

My old job a customer had a JDM previa forgot what it was called. She was a mail lady Sony worked. So confusing to drive but so epic.

Yes so the s turns are better. I wonder how much power is lost in the minis setup.

Rip to myL67