The doctoR53

The Indian guy was annoying. The head thug was ok but mainly a dick. America and the blond chick were cool, just don't look up any of her music...

Some say he goes trick or treating dressed as lady gaga

I’m gonna be that guy... But the black guy did die first.

See now I really liked chappie. It was a more grown up short circuit

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pulse (2006). Ghosts through the Internet. Really.

So the original trilogy was the best so far. But this trailer made them seem better.

Yea. I mean it's deffenitly star killer firing but the flare is kinda cool but not

Gizmo forgot he’s from South America. Not Asia.

Awful. God awful. Not funny at all besides all the parts they showed on commercials. Couldn't wait for it to be over, well we slept the most part.

Look at its pointy edges. Straight lines, that awesome burnt orange.

The trailer gives me chills just hearing it. Maybe these movies are a little too much a part of my life. I couldn't even imagine seeing myself in the trailer with all the effects added. My reaction would probably be more like Daisys than johns.

Remember that car being online few years ago. I lold

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Had a few volvos come in when you put the car in reverse the clock would go backwards. Strangest things ever.

More than that. We see it in attack of the clones.

With nas

So my question still stands. Are the storm troopers still clones or are they real people.

Probably filmed in the same desert.

Children with the force were born every day in the first 3. Why wouldn't they be within the second (first) trilogy. Someone had to just teach them the ways of the force.

Still only that one shot of Skywalker tho...

Oh god. I think the falcon blows up. That's why rey is crying.