The doctoR53

Yep. Off with GTA and onto forZa 4. Yea I'm poor


30 year anniversary

Pics or it didn't happen.

Good for car pool lanes...

I walked into that one.

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and blitzen!!!

Oh yea? Have you seen a turtle driving 3 billy goats across Lake Tahoe in a vw bug converted to a hydroplane that runs on hopes and dreams of orphans?

Well no because people don’t see me as shooting fluid at them. Slowly slowing down is a lot better than jacking on the brakes to get rear ended. But if I'm in the right lane doing the speed limit give or take a few mph, go around me not tailgate me.

Still doing more work than a state worker.

Oh my god. The sun

It's cause they made so much on each veyron...

Oh it's not an EA game with invisible/ transparent walls?

Now playing

Friend of mine had a game like this on ps1? I think. Maybe dream cast I don’t remember. But here’s the gundam game I have

I love living near the airport and an active air base. C130s all the time.

I have toys still from all gens. I have 2 gundam games from the first series on ps2 so much fun. One you can be pretty much everything including big Sam

I've never watched any gundam besides G and some wing. I need to start at the first one.

Ok. I'll need it to to trailer the mini.

So was this. Had mom hand me the keys to this bad boy when I was 16. One leg burnouts everywhere