The doctoR53

my mini was padslaped when I bought it the rotor was so bad on the inside it sliced off the pad. Never touched the wear sensor so I never knew till it was gone

this is my new bad pun picture

they didn't want the SSR?but the crime going on lately. Gold heist on the side of I95 in mass the other day

This is what really was happening

kids in the car

15 bucks at harbor freight with a cupon

unless your a comi

side note who remembers this?

it's missing some plastic like the new ones...

oh yea. The rotor was about 3 mm left on the outside I forgot to mention. I could have used it as a weapon like odd job

I'm throwing this out there. I would hoon the hell out of a turbo PT with a 5 speed and no intake on it. Mainly because they are ugly as hell. And it has more storage than my mini.

seen one other. Came in to "bleed brakes" wore past the inside pad and through the piston. Came in with about 6 inches missing

century if I recall


had a customer come in a while back. Said her brakes were spongey. Here's what I found.

better than 2 gallons per mile

Have to toot my own horn best picture I've found in ages