The doctoR53

So much want

doesn't red bull give you wings? I mean explains a lot no?

random your name isn't Eugene? Is it

ha. For once I have a useful suggestion

that wasn't intentional. Just whatever I saved from google

cop cars. Know the lights and how to avoid them for the obvious reasons

shooting like guns or filming

look up mega64 on youtube. Their live actin games are amazing.

any ideas of making a wagon?

idk just found it on google

and the BMW. But with that snow there had to have a parking bab out so his fault

So an active volcano but not my nursing home idea

I actually liked that commercial

oh wait lug nuts

1......2.....and 3 ok we're good

FWD and the wheel isn't moving. Confused unless the axle snapped? But it still wouldn't move I think?

a retirement home in a modded hover round

the cars sick but he did cooler stuff in San FranFran

the thing is I'd rather have this over a model s for the simple fact that you can't dive a tesla cross country without stopping to charge for some few hours. I'd buy a fisker before one actuallu

Sounds kinky