

Run for office.

Maybe once folks catch on to the fact that, whole it’s better than smoking, it’s still going to fuck you up.

Check your mods. Official forums usually have a topic discussing which mods are broken by recent updates.

Screw cheating, but the idea that Rock Star of all companies gives a damn about ANYTHING but shark cards is laughable. Online is the most successful "phoning in" ever seen in gaming.

Obviously it’s your choice, but I really do wish you’d offered this as a prompt for discussion instead of as a confrontational solicitation for clicks. No need to sink to your opponents’ level by stating opinion for fact.

Honestly, I get your pain but I like them hard-filtering some games out of my consideration. I’ll definity miss some gems, but the store is so large that without it I’d just be too overloaded.

Lets not start praising the guy just yet. Note that he couldn’t help blaming it on “unfair” reviews, even in his apology.

Why is there always some person eagerly jumping in to say things like this? Yeah, bad stuff happens and theft is inevitable, but rushing to dismiss it as unavoidable is part of why it takes so long for things to change. Whether you think it’s worth their time or not, you don’t need to get in the way when someone is

Wait, are you actually the father? How do you get up in the morning knowing you’re such a terrible parent?

It wouldn’t be a long con if you could already see the end of it.

Please be careful with this article, folks. It’s pretty biased and very unprofessional.

It amazes me that there are people in this chat who take issue with what Epic is doing. I had no idea so many people on Kotaku were using hacks.

They don’t call them athletes...That’s why they add the “e-” modifier to sports. I understand that with your transition to “that old guy” that you’ve become prone to raging irrationally at harmless things that you don’t understand but other people have the nerve to enjoy, but maybe slow down and take a second to

They have the right, they have the means, they have a convincing case, and nothing less will ever have a substantive impact on the scumbags who ruin games this way.

Any romance in this one?