
It won’t be the only thing they remember, Amanda. My husband died in 2009. He was a writer, a historian, a genealogist, and a storyteller. He was much beloved in his community. He lived for 3 years after his diagnosis. The last year was pretty tough - but that isn’t what people remember. They remember the stories he

Shonda Rhimes: Six seasons and we all stopped watching at 2.2 tho. Except Greys. You made it to a solid 3.

I, for one, was excited to learn of this new instrument “base” guitar. ;););)

The WM3 follow-ups didn’t suck.

I really hated this whole segment, felt like it was perpetuating a lot of negative assumptions people already have about black people. What was the point?

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.

That is awesome for Candi Carter but, honestly, this show needs to die.

Counterpoint: bunnies are mean.

I feel like we should leave hares alone. Bunnies are really nice.

Maybe you could demand your alma mater take responsibility for it’s shitty reputation? Y’know instead of whining the others guys are doing it too. Jesus Christ, football is a fucking plight.

I can’t stop laughing while reading that damn list


On top of this movie being, predictable, insipid and nothing like actual life, I’m afraid they’re going to make me crazy with the adoption storyline. Two of my kids are adopted. I’m their real mother, no one else is. They’re my real kids. We’re not on loan to each other. We can’t give each other back on days when we’d

Lyme disease was on the Real World: Seattle for a half a season. So, pretty famous.

The only reason why people are calling this out is bc of one blurry photo that sort of looked darker. That’s where the outrage came from. There isn’t added cultural context you’re missing. Then when more photos surfaced of what they *actually* looked like (aka NOT BLACKFACE), that should have been the end of the

You want to hire models that are a healthier weight? In the words of Samantha Bee, “the fucking thing you have to do is just hire people” (who are a healthier weight).

It’s definitely the right time. I’ve been so bored with this season I only watch it out of obligation.

I LOOOOOVE the BobCarol Smiths of the Facebook world and the weird syntax of their posts. “WE ARE VERY EXCITED TO SEE YOU TODAY” a new status announces to the entire Facebook world. You get tagged in their photos on the head of someone else with your first name. BobCarol posts a meme about lazy husbands and warns us,

No, because Carly Fiorina is the one headed for that special place.

Laura Govan - that dress is not. good. No.

“These aren’t uncommon reactions for people who have suffered violence at the hands of sexual or romantic partners (and attacking a sexual assault victim’s credibility is a defense tactic as common as it is ugly).”