
Yes! It’s dark and creepy and twisty but so far, so fun!

Yes! After we finished it, my husband and I were inspired to watch Damages (same producers). We just finished the first season of that and damn it’s good!

If you’re on Pinterest, I find that’s a great way to get cooking/recipe ideas. You can search by ingredients you like and it’ll take you to lots of blogs with really good recipes for even the most basic cooking skills.

I heard him singing the title track on TV this morning. He sounds like a poor man’s Pete Yorn. Decidedly mediocre.

Yes! This show had some funny moments but never really got its footing. Cast members kept disappearing and new ones kept appearing. And they pretty much lost sight of who the Mindy character was when the show first started.

She also didn’t act like her products were “carefully curated”, whatever the hell that means.

We had. Wedding with 40 guests, and no bridesmaids, groomsmen or anything. The party was for our guests, so we wanted everyone to wear what they want, enjoy themselves, and not have any jobs or responsibilities.

I had none. It was great. My friends got to wear whatever they wanted and no one had to stand there awkwardly or had any obligations.

None. We decided against having a wedding party. Didn't see the point. Still don't.

Even better is that I think she’s wearing my mom’s slippers.

So, she paid for tickets but didn’t use them? Even though she was aware of his abusive history before Saturday? Way to take a stand. Pfft.

Fairly sure that’s the ultimate humblebrag.

Your best bet is to leave a negative Yelp review.

Meh, is she really that much dumber than Sherri Shepherd? And Sherri was on for years.

I went to Pink’s 2013 concert, and she goes so far as to edit her songs to remove the cursing because she knows there are kids in the crowd. She said as much during the show I saw— that being a mother has made her more cognizant of being a good role model for other people’s kids. So of all the concerts the dad could

Am I the only one in the world who thought Full House was terrible?

Whoever named the Alliance Defending Freedom is a genius. They actually sound like a group that cares about freedom. Brilliant bait and switch.

This kind of situation is exactly why it’s so terrible that most people ignore local elections and vote blindly.

Nope. Acquittals cannot be appealed in the U.S.

That book was so good that I cried when I finished it. I was so sad there was no more to read.