
Seriously. Burpees are truly the worst. Doing one is too many.

I've noticed it also refuses to suggest you're typing "abortion". My husband and I literally spent an hour trying to trick it. We have too much free time.

There's a big difference between talking smack about someone and insulting someone based on his race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. if you don't understand that, then it's no wonder you think everyone else is a hypocrite. But here's some news for you: not everyone uses slurs. I know that's shocking, but it's

I truly don't understand why people have bridal parties. I had a wedding and we had no groomsmen or bridesmaids and somehow still managed to survive. I always see people saying how they needed "people to support them". Support them to do what? You're getting married, not running for office or funding a charity. It

Is that you, Gary Oldman?

My go-to is "asshole". If that offends literal butt orifices, I apologize.

Does Gary Oldman really think that Jewish people are constantly complaining about Germans? Unless we're literally talking about Nazis, we Jews don't care if you're German. And I've never heard any of my Jewish friends say "kraut" unless we're discussing toppings on a Reuben sandwich. But that's cool, Gary. If it makes

they sold the company for millions of dollars about 10 years ago.

Nitpick: The article you linked to says her attorney is Mike Allen, not Allen West. Just FYI :)

When I see their "fashion", all I can think is DERELICTE!