
Just buy a switch like literally everyone else has

I finally got around to Tokyo Mirage Sessions last year and I completely agree.

From what I understand, Nintendo was the reason Bayonetta 2 got made—they were the only publisher willing to fund it. Kudos to Platinum for rewarding that kind of loyalty by keeping this and Bayonetta 3 as Switch exclusives.

Now playing

Oh so THAT’s what the song from this video is.

I love how the flutist looks back at the camera just before it starts like “you ready for this shit?”


Looking at Labo it’s one of the few products that instantly makes me feel like a kid again. My inner 10yr old can’t stop thinking about how awesome it would be to build your own video game robot suit. 

Hey the Wii U had fun and lag free multiplayer. In fact the Switch and Wii U share the same multiplayer games.

NHL‘94 was AWESOME. How awesome? To this day, NHL‘94 on the SNES is still the only sports game I’ve ever owned. I wish I still had it, but I lost all my SNES stuff decades ago.

That was a bold reply.

My friend had all of the He Man toys and I had these. I used to climb the outside of his Castle Greyskul with my spider glove Sectaur.

“What’s the matter, Dylan? CIA got ya pushing too many pencils?”

The Ninja Gaiden box art remains some of the best of all time. I lost count of how many times I tried to reproduce it as a kid. (I also didn’t realize until today just how many pieces of cover art I’d assumed were from Japanese artists are actually his work.)

Hey Ethan buy a real one like me....XD

FYI, the big sign says:

I’m confident Nintendo can breakeven from selling Labo sets to ( the cynical) media.

It blows my mind that people continue to underestimate Nintendo when they’ve proven, time and time again, that they are only ever one console release from another bonanza.


I’m excited for Labo; I totally didn’t expect an announcement like that at all. Glad to see innovation is paying off for Nintendo, at least in its stocks. Hopefully it’s as fun as it looks.