He makes it look and sound like MIDI machine. Amazaballs.
He makes it look and sound like MIDI machine. Amazaballs.
It’s been thirty years and Philly still thinks they own the Hooters....you do know Nervous Night was double Platinum?
This is actually the only one of Bolan’s hits that feels dated (because the strings). My master playlist has Jeepster, 20th Century and Life’s A Gas and the other day and one of my kids wondered aloud if he was big enough to be on the bill for this year’s Summer Camp. No joke. Still passes me off Robert Palmer’s Power…
Bowie should get props just for not lip syncing at a time when almost every act on TV (esp in Britain) was phoning it in. God I miss his sensibility and creativity and it’s only been a year.
Midnight Special was the Sci-Fi movie we wanted The Force Awakens to be, right down to the small moments of wry humor.
A bit too long but otherwise an excellent breakdown of the minutia of Uber. However an easier, basic litmus test for all startups should be: does it solve a problem? If you look back on the last 20 years of tech/internet investing the winners all answer that question ‘yes’ while most of the failures (plus some of…
Part of the problem with this analysis is that IRS guidance on the subject is nil. Who knows how they will value a scholarship: a generic standard the same for all schools or will Stanford (highest published tuition in D1 FBS) athletes have a higher income and bracket than a kid from Detroit attending at Western…
One of the legal fillings* talks about the victim clearly viewing his erect member inside his pants and pleasurable look on his face. So yeah, just for jollyies on a basic level. But from what I’ve read I’m beginning to think the ‘treatment’ was a gateway to probe (sorry) for potential victims of more intense abuse-…
Do you honestly not understand that scale and magnitude are irrelevant to the basic modus operandi of wealth. What I do on the scale of 10s of thousands, billionaires do on a larger- AND THEREFORE MORE CRUCIAL- scale. My buyers are empty nesters whose pensions and nest eggs absolutely rely on the actions of hedge fund…
Who the fuck is Kanye? And what I do on a scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars, billionaires are doing on an even greater scale. And since the billionaires’ moves tend to have a positive effect macrocosmicly on the empty nesters who are buying my condos HamNo’s call for unilateral taking of others wealth is…
Obviously, I make money and have wealth: there isn’t anything more assholeish in millennial progressivism. Now, if you haven’t got anything beyond ad homimem, please puck off.
My story is what makes the macro discussion. How the fuck do you think rich people get rich- we can’t all be milking the government, or does your warped progressive ideology depend on all wealth being ill gotten?
Have you ever taken out a loan for anything other than your (obviously) wasted college education?
There are certainly a lot of Americans who clearly have their thinking done for them...by last count around 128 million.
This desperately needs more stars.
Spewing obvious facts to spawn interest isn’t real teaching- its just dolled up spoon feeding. The OP is spot on: if the kids in the US were actually learning relatively simple things like series progression, magnitude and factorials then they’d be able to extract conclusions like this ON THEIR OWN. The post-boomer…
would get
most peopleeverybody but President Clinton fired from a normal business
I haven’t listened yet but I think some of the underlying logic to this post needs to be clarified.
Sessions’ nomination represents a near-180-degree flip in the values and priorities of the Justice Department
Fuck yes.