
And that’s fine. Enjoy that. But you know how everyone jokes that since they think they have a little native american in them they should get scholarships? No one does it because they know its not enough of a percentage of their DNA to not be an insult to actual native americans who cannot hide it and deal with

Bill and Hillary hate each other. The last thing they want to do is run off together. 

Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being “Native American.” They singled her out, Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory.

No it was dumb. Doing the test would have been good if the results hadn’t included the fact that she is very, very, very little native american at best.

He was in office as governor for a bit.

She is being shelved for when RGB dies so it will be harder to argue replacing a woman with a woman. 

Sounds like when congress pushed obama care through with the exception that congress got to keep their former health care plan.

It is a democratic republic.

Ha! Eat that libtards!

Have you seen the click counts on these articles? Right now its at 5.6K. Whatever it ends up as is paltry compared to most any other site/blog which is why they are for sale. There job isn’t to do anything but generate clicks, through outrage mostly, which is better when they’re bitching about something than when they

You’re only the bad guy in a WW if you lose...

Seems like they managed to get a justice who now has reason to really hate the left and they still got him on the SC. Seems like an ideal set up for cons. I doubt they’d go back and change a thing considering it also fired up their base before the midterms.

I’m glad that your true colors are showing. You sound like a great person who is definitely worth listening to.

You mean the state borders?

He has been good enough for Harvard for the past decade. He is leaving the post so he can spend the rest of his life on the SC. Did you read the article?