
In what way is that pretentious? It’s not like movies cost $300 to see and can only be viewed in this one theatre in France...

Well, most of them won’t, but...

Have you seen a picture of her husband, Chris Loesch? Your description is not too far off...

Or maybe other people have less tolerance for racist “humour” than you do.

Actual LOL...


Actually, that’s Mr. Chi - his name is spelled Terry.

I feel really badly for Chi’s students.

Yes! My god, what an apt description...

See you next Tuesday, Dana.

Nick Offerman is, as always, a gem. And please, do a Google image search for Todd Starnes (my computer is being finicky about uploading photos, for some reason). You won’t be at all surprised. He has the look of a classic toady.

I don’t believe we are, and I say that in all seriousness.

This is actually one of the best things that came of Jersey Shore:

These are all quite lovely, but On ominous oily lap is the clear winner. Brava!

Dedication to fact, prurience... really, the end result is the same. ;)

If you enlarge the picture, you can just barely see the bottom seam of a pair of boxer shorts.

You’re a dumpster fire of a human being.

Good lord, Sandrine, how do you live with yourself...

Pence actually does strike me as someone who is repressing a LOT.
Donnie Jr. is just a turd.

“there”. Dammit, that edit function needs a longer window...