She looks amazing, and her voice sounds a little hoarse, that’s all.
She looks amazing, and her voice sounds a little hoarse, that’s all.
That is my favourite episode of that podcast I think... I’ve listened to it more than once and I laugh like a maniac every time.
Oh, I think I remember that - something about the proper way to apply moisturizer?
Yes, I remember reading an essay by Nora Ephron that seemed to suggest that she was a pretty credulous young woman.
Not even with a rented dick.
I can only repeat what a writer at the Guardian said about Brad Pitt’s recent, ill-advised GQ interview: “Where. Is. Your. Agent.”
Yeah, that miserable concubine he drags around everywhere seems like a real catch.
Yes, it’s solely class envy that makes someone question the performative benevolence of these people...
Old wine in a new bottle.
How unfortunate, I’ve never heard that - I only know him from his article about sobriety, which a few of my friends found very moving & inspiring... What exactly are the accusations?
Well, she’s no Tammy...
Check out her book of poems, Dark Sparkler. It’s very good.
This pleases me no end. Thank you.
Two things: Sara Sutterlin’s current favourite poem can be found herein, and it’s...something.
Thing the second: I find the use of “Y’all” a little odd coming from someone who is based in Montreal and appears to be Canadian. That saying just isn’t a thing up here.
Was that a chef or just a glutton? Either way, he deserves a statue in his honour...