
What you just described is the very definition of compromising your ethics. Do you think people get points just for saying “I don’t like this” when they agree to do something bad in order to also get something good? either the ends justify the means or they do not. Sanders accepted that in his mind the good of the

Yet Sanders was willing to compromise his stance on that issue, so clearly he didn’t care about it that much. Worse yet, if he possesses the foresight you claim and knew full well what the outcome of this bill would be, its all the more reprehensible that he would have voted for it regardless. How you fail to

I fully recognize that bills are not singular things and one must choose whether the good outweighs the bad. Sanders and Clinton both made the same decision on that bill. They both decided that the good outweighed the bad and they can both be held similarly accountable for that. If you cannot understand that, it is

I granted Sanders credit for having foresight. But frankly, If I’m a white person, whose role demands that they vote on an issue effecting Black Americans, I’m going to go to the CBC and see what they have to say.

And you know what, while I’m not okay with the Iraq war vote, as that frankly, was more easily foreseeable

Clinton also Made that vote with the support of 2/3rds of the congressional Black Caucus. Are you telling me that they dont care about Black people living in poverty.

Sanders had foresight in his criticisms. but he still voted for the bill. He still decided that having this bill was better than not having this bill. We

The crime bill you called clinton’s (Which is absurd, she voted for it, fair enough, but she sure didn’t sponsor it) by your criteria might as well be called Sanders crime bill because he too voted for it. How people continue to act as though thats somethign they can hang Clinton with and not Sanders continues to

There is plenty I don’t like about Clinton.

However, There has been plenty I haven’t liked about pretty much everyone I’ve ever voted for. Insisting that it’s Bernie-Or-Bust is like being an art school grad who insists on continuing to live in their parents basement until they are offered their dream job at their dream

I’m not saying sanders is corrupt. I’m saying that If you believe Clinton is corrupt, then you must believe Sanders is corrupt to so thoroughly toss aside his morals and endorse her so enthusiastically.

Clinton doesn’t seem to be having a hard time winning votes, just like she didn’t have a very hard time winning votes

Wow. then how corrupt is Sanders to endorse her?

Nice Editorial btw. I could find one with an almost identical title backing Trump if you want. That’s my point. That piece isn’t about who is the right choice. It’s about saying Clinton is the wrong one. That’s the legacy of the Sanders campaign.

The fact is Clinton

It’s just funny. The persistence of “Never-Hillary” Sanders supporters just proves how absurdly negative his campaign was. So negative that so many of his supporters care more about the attacks he made months ago, than the concessions the DNC made on its platform weeks ago, or the ringing endorsement Sanders himself

he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. You don’t exactly get to do that if you’re just barely scraping by in your courses.

ssshhh. I wanna see what happens.

We’ll soon discover that Elon Musks entire career has all just been setup for the most elaborate spaceballs cosplay in history.

The only men it seems to bother are ones looking for lame excuses to bitch about Hillery Clinton.

Tie your coolers together. tie valuables to cooler. use ungainly knots. If someone approaches your shit, return to it. it would take them too long to figure out whats worth taking and tie/cut it free.

I still think Franken would have been a good choice, since his liberal cred is solid and as a former entertainer he can bring some media friendliness to counter trump.

Still, Kaine is alright. a bit boring, for sure, but so was Biden. He pisses off the NRA though and I can’t fault him for that.

I did Nazi that coming.

Beezos be praised!

What would have been cool would be if in ME2, when you let EDI off the chain, her hologram changed from the weird sphere thing to a person, and then she would be, like a hologram of a person you could interact with on the ship. they’d need a new squad mate for ME3 since she wouldn’t be able to leave the ship (Which

its white male reporters going to trump rallies because their the only ones their respective outlets feel safe assigning to cover them.