
Except this goes exactly in line with Fincher's pattern of having his odd films (Alien 3, The Game, Panic Room, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, this) generally be weaker than his even films (Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac, The Social Network, Gone Girl).

I'm also Canadian and I actually had to look up who it actually was, but I knew it wasn't Bush because I remember hearing it in a grumpy old man voice.

Just in case you're confused, that was Ted Stevens, not Bush.

Wait. You're saying something can't be two things?

I don't think it's wise idea to say that actors don't normally kill the president, when a lot of those same people keep pointing out how Donald Trump being president is not normal.

And I bet some site out there, maybe even the AV Club, is going to publish an article about how the failure of the latest Transformers movie signals the end of the blockbuster era.

Well he was also j/k about running for president, but then the whole thing kind of spiraled out of control.

But Bay isn't even a screenwriter.

As opposed to full evil times?

I feel there were plenty of people that genuinely liked the first one, which had the advantage of having the involvement of Spielberg, Kurtzman and Orci, as well as coming off the heels of some other disappointing summer blockbusters from earlier that summer (Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, Shrek 3), and then they just made

Could be worse. Could be a Sonic the Hedgehog fan.

Isn't that what the upcoming spinoffs like the Bumblebee movie are essentially for?

That's true. Though June 21 does seem like an early date to have a Wednesday premiere. The others were at least a little closer to July.

Maybe they're waiting for fall festival season?

I'm hoping for the Holy Hand Grenade.

But isn't it a bit unfair to talk about opening box office numbers from a film that opened on a Wednesday?

I'm sure at least one of them will involve Donald Trump somehow.

I thought it was to be a contestant on the Gong Show.

When are we going to get the list of songs for this year's AV Undercover?

12% more Superchunk.