
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Unfortunately, Damon Lindelof is not Noah Hawley.

There’s no references to it being an odious, outdated cliche because, as the creators have admitted, they didnt realise they were doing that.

I really wish there was at least one reference to how “stuffed in the fridge” has now become widely recognized as a tired and sexist cliche; it’s downright bizarre how the opening credits just pretend it’s still the ‘70s and this kind of thing can actually come off as a good twist.

Yup, agree.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

I thought this was going to be an article about butt-chugging.

You know how modern family is constantly touting itself as being progressive even though every latin on the show is a preexisting stereotype, and the gays are sexless fairies who only every wonder about fashion and being trendy? And the only characters allows positive character devlopment are white and straight, but

... are you, like, outside, or something?

I thought maybe they were playing a version of Asshole where they are all the asshole.

This is an article about the Handmaid’s Tale that analyzes its inspirations and motivations for existing. Most, if not all art/media has a purpose for existing and I hate to break it to you, but eventually it’s going to connect with the real world, which means people who analyze it for a living are going to write or

There are no stakes in any movie because they’re all made up stories with actors playing make belief.

Why should I even get out of bed in the morning? I’m just gonna be back in it tonight....

You know of all the things you wrote, the most troubling may be that enslaved blacks were “playing along with it”, it being systematic oppression, state-sanctioned brutality, forced labor and erasure of cultural identity, as if the slaves were just hop-scotching right with the “massas”. Insulting, demeaning and very

Season 4 was so bad and mean that it retroactively made me wonder if I should feel bad about having enjoyed the originals.

Also, people who watch morning TV by choice (old people and stay-at-home parents, in other words) like their morning TV hosts to seem genial and affable, not like the concept of “wanting to speak to the manager” sprouted legs.

She’s a law school gunner* on a television network that hired Kathy Lee Motherfucking Polkadotted Gifford.

I don’t know if we’ll ever get a better villain than Pheef. The fact that she came back on a redemption tour and only managed to secure her crown as Top Bitch is delightful.

Why doesn’t Chris Hemsworth, the largest Hemsworth, simply not eat the other Hemsworths?

Trixie won two of the challenges, but didn’t manage to gimmick her way into winning the lip syncs. There’s a difference between the two.