
So what do you call a woman who wrongly votes against other women?

“They’ve become used to defending their good ole boys from allegations made by their strippers and call girls. They haven’t quite grasped that these allegations are coming from Yale grads and students.” -Greg F

“Who cares if he grabbed some Democrat harlot by the pu**y in the 1980s? Kavanaugh is against baby killing and supports Trump, that’s good enough for me.”       —Trump voters

Smokey Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   :)

It should be noted that Bernie Sanders’s tribute is near-identical to Ocasio-Cortez’s.” 

“She regularly criticized Judge Jeanine Pirro for being too old to be on television, and tried to rally other women at the network to support Roger Ailes after former Fox & Friends host Gretchen Carlson sued Ailes for sexual harassment”

Trump needs to make her White House press sec ASAP........

Hillary Deep State agents set him up y’all.... *SNIFF*

^ Why does this not have more stars?? :)

“We’re just stealing the language that sanctuary cities use. They are treating our American made AR-15s like illegal criminal aliens, so they need sanctuary and amnesty now.”

Trump is ripped to the t*ts on Provigil while talking on the phone to Fox. Jackson must of gave him a year supply..

Sounds interesting for 20 bucks, i see if my fav streamers play it first though

“one Russian oligarch was stopped and had his electronic devices searched when his private jet landed at a New York-area airport.”

KId Rock gotta take a Twitter shot at these kids next..

Warren is from Oklahoma, thats good enough for me.

“It’s a bad month when you admit you’re sleeping with a wife beater, defend him, testify that you lie for a living and then resign (get fired). And then, get indicted.” —Troy Visser

“’Women’s issues’ are a marketing ploy of the left,”

“In Nicaragua, the Ortega family is following the example set by the Somoza regime. Everything in Nicaragua is under the control of President Daniel Ortega, which is ironic, given that Ortega is a former guerrilla who fought against the dictatorship of Gen. Anastasio Somoza Debayle years ago. Now, he is creating

“Only suckers stay out of debt..” -Paul Manafort

It was Family Values Bondage Navy SEAL style you liberal heathens..