completely uneducated hot take:
-This Corvette will be six figures+
completely uneducated hot take:
-This Corvette will be six figures+
When asked about the possibility of selling a similar version of the 370Z, Nissan officials responded by saying “Wait, what the hell is a 370Z?”
You’re welcome. I guess it was pretty obvious, and I wasn’t the only one.
I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
The amazing part of this isn’t the cars, but how much 2018 Newark passes so easily for mid 80s filthy Gotham...
This is not a game of Who’s More Native? It is a simple question of to whom Elizabeth Warren feels responsible to when she travels to Washington. If her record is any indication, it is not Native peoples.
This is the kind of statement that usually means a SUV is in the works.
1. How true this is nowadays? I haven’t seen a ad that was blatantly targeting male buyers in a long time.
Skip Barber Racing School
Tires. You can mod the crap out of everything else on your car, but if you can’t grip, you’re just wasting your money. I finally got a set of summer tires this year, a bit wider than stock, and I can take a corner like I never could before. It feels like a completely different car. Always start with tires.
I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!
Houston FTW!
Rare doesn’t make it desirable. It’s rare that I shit my pants, but when I do, it’s usually not desirable.
For all the folks in the comments getting angry about the Indian guy being critical of the fictional Indian character and that he should “just get over it.”
Tell you what- take a sport tourer and start from Chicago and drive to the Black hills in South Dakota. If that doesn’t explain why you’d want a bike like this, nothing will.
Idea for new Jalopnik series: “Will it Rally?” Every disposable appliance car should be rallied. Scion IA, Chrysler Pacifica, Prius? Why not? Rally all the things!!!
So, there’s this guy who walks in a bar, gets a beer, starts chatting with the bartender, tells him his mother-in-law is a nagging hag who is driving him and his wife nuts, and at some point the bartender interjects: