Markedly Zany Fop

It’s entirely possible that they beat the time, fluctuating density altitude going down closer to sea level (or lower) could mean more horsepower for the engine since driver skill is not quite as big a deal with an automatic and launch control.

Take my money, and I’m leaving on the Willie Nelson for President bumper sticker.

I’d be curious to hear what Steve Letho thinks of this waiver. It’s probably worth as much as used bog roll.

Not serious.

This is fake. In some scenes the cars are dirty, in others they are clean. Total BS.

Define track ready... Is it “if you track it and something breaks due to a defect, we fix it under warranty.”

Is this not the case with every single president when they take office? They make numerous promises and deliver maybe 1/4 of them in their 4 year term. Obama “shut down guantanomo bay, bring all troops home within 6 months, pull out of Iraq entirely, shovel ready jobs, hire “an army” of new teachers, etc etc etc none

Its a 2009-2013 Suzuki Grand Vitara dash

These are like full on drag cars, with trailers and everything, and not even just some spirited driving. I don’t understand the logic in this behavior, just seems childish (I’m 28, and not an old angry dude shaking his fist). It costs $20 in Houston to go to Royal Purple all night on Fridays and run your car. Based on

Not that I’m counting score but I believe I got at least two exact picks.

Front license plates are a crime.

lol. Although I’m 90% sure my use of “there’s” is correct.

You know ... the US could save a lot of money by pulling out of South Korea, Germany, etc... The South Korean Armed Forces are quite capable and well-armed. Not sure why we’re still in Europe either - Russia can’t afford the fuel and ammo it would take to mount a credible attack.

With no supercharger and a lack of power, this Durango is more of a quiet riot.

You can only get robbed at gun point so many times before you decide the pay of the job isn’t worth the hassle. Good on these clerks for breaking their destructive habit of being the victim!

Some of us don’t enjoy travel that much. Besides, you probably forgot to budget for cocaine.

That there are better ways to spend the money than his car. Youve already demonstrated two potentially better options.

For $4700 I can spend a weekend with twin Vietnamese hookers or see a Red Sox game. What’s your point?

I like Stubb’s. Either Home Depot or Lowe’s will have it. Burns hot and clean compared to most briquettes, very little ash. But, the briquettes are also a little smaller, so you’ll want to use a tighter grate underneath them if you want them to go long.

I like Stubb’s. Either Home Depot or Lowe’s will have it. Burns hot and clean compared to most briquettes, very

I have the Weber performer so it has the propane charcoal starter on it so it’s easy to get the charcoal going in the chimney. I waited a while before getting it waiting for a good deal. Got for $190 online at Lowes and picked up a the store.

I have the Weber performer so it has the propane charcoal starter on it so it’s easy to get the charcoal going in