More like Chris ‘No, not Captain America, the other one. Yes there is another one. I think he has a radio show in the UK or something’ Evans.
More like Chris ‘No, not Captain America, the other one. Yes there is another one. I think he has a radio show in the UK or something’ Evans.
That kit looks well stocked, and nicely built.
What I keep in my trusty Kriega roll:
- Fuses, tire gauge.
- 7,8,10,12,14,17,22mm wrenches
- 10, 12, 14, 17 sockets and ratchet
- metric allen set
- phillips and flat head screwdrivers
- needle nose pliers
- small pair of vice grips
- zipties, rescue tape, paracord, and a small…
The turbo actually spools down pretty quickly, like a matter of seconds... But the housing stays so damn hot, from all those exhaust gases pumping through it just moments before, that onece you turn the car off, the oil in the bearings will quickly *fry* and become useless. If this happens repeatedly, your bearings…
Yessir. See, even basic automotive knowledge leads to the correct answer.
That’s correct. not sure why typing out a big long question here was easier than googling the thing in the first place, but yes.
I’ll leave this here...
If you’re not riding naked, you’re riding wrong.
Motorcycles are one of the best things to ever happen to me. They’ve brought more fun, passion, people, interest,…
1. Will that Supermoto daily?
He’s the fucking best! That short mealy mouthed bastard is one of the most S-Rank people to ever walk this Earth seriously what a cool guy him and his sorta awful movies(but often in a fantastic way) have brought nothing but joy to this planet. His friends, oh wait he doesn’t have friends he only has Family must…
Once upon a time I had an Escort GT. These are great little cars, peppy, handling was very good in the curvy West Virginia hills, and economical to run. The big bonus is it could NOT be killed. I drove the ever living snot out of that car and it was super reliable. I eventually fell asleep while driving and totaled…
I’m a huge fan of the Fazdas from the 90's. These things can be built up engine wise thanks to the Familia GTX and GTR and the Miata sharing engine components. Plus the asymmetrical grill and fan blade wheels are perfectly nice touches. Usually these are beat to hell and rusty as hell. I would buy this all day every…
Tip of the Day: if you get caught in a soaking rainstorm, the best (and cheapest) way to dry your boots is to stuff crumpled up newspaper inside. Get a good amount in there, and by morning, it will absorb all the moisture, leaving you with a nice and dry boot.
I know the exact set of organs you’ll need from one of us. Little man.
While many riders are happy to hang up their helmets when the weather gets bad, there are plenty of you who ride all…
This should come as no surprise, since everyone else is doing it. Get two bikes from one platform, essentially. How much work is it to convert a naked to a true sport bike? Since you’re changing the ergos pretty significantly, it can’t be as easy as new rearsets and clip-ons instead of risers, can it?