Hi FiST owner here with 2 kids (7 m/o and 2 y/o) and I’m happy to report that NO it won’t hehe. OK, well maybe it’s not a definitive no because technically it’s possible, but there are several factors that make it difficult. First of all, if you have the Recaro seats you just simply cannot fit a baby seat behind it…
2015 FiST owner checking in. I am totally OK with all of it. Exterior styling wise, it’s not an improvement, but I don’t hate it either. Where I’m drooling is in the interior. Those seats look better (and if they are truly more comfortable I’m super down with that), the dash looks WAY better than the current model…
We’re going to talk to the American car manufacturers and we’re going to tell them to make the biggest, the fastest and the ugliest car they can make. And they’re going to do it. They’re going to do it Bugly.
Not really :)
Here’s some free speech for you: Shut the fuck up.
It looks like a short stocky, fat-headed robot is opening that front hatch and yelling “surprise!”
Damn shame.
Those wheel arches are fucking gross. Wretch!
6'2" and lots of room left in my Elise.
I have this pretty horrible feeling that really nothing on the market today will be worth a squat in 25 years. Once fully electric autonomous cars are the norm (perhaps even the only road legal cars) what value besides a museum piece will these great cars have? To be honest I’m holding onto my small collection of…
Not entirely a fair comparison because the GLHS is/was butt ugly. The FiST is a really nice looking car and outperforms a GLHS in every way.
I am not familiar with Russia’s development with anti-ICBM technology, but I know the US has a significant investment into it. I’d prefer to see the US use more budget to further advance our protection capability against the ever evolving ICBM and not focus on upgrading our still-very-effective inventory...at least…
Don’t waste your time speaking logic to these aggressive, violent, hypocrites. Gawker articles and comments have become a circle-jerk of selfish brats demanding something for nothing. The type of people who will give Ellen Degeneres a Medal of Freedom while there are thousands of disabled veterans who literally fought…
You’re right it’s not the dumbest thing an auto manufacturer can do. It’s the dumbest thing a consumer could buy and if you’re dumb enough to fall for the hype surrounding the Hellcat-With-No-Seats then you’re just a dumb dummy.
I’m sorry, but if true this is one of the dumbest thing I’ve seen an auto manufacturer do. You have one of the largest passenger cars. Large because you want it to seat 5 comfortably, have lots of storage, a huge engine and lots and lots of safety equipment all the while trying to resemble the large-at-the-time…
Bottom lip is pretty beat...she’s been around.
I want this to replace my 25 hp 2-cylinder in my Subaru 360!
My 2016 Transit Connect fuel filler is at almost a 90 degree angle so when I fill up at most stations I cannot leave the pump by itself. The vapor return sleeve pushes the pump out of the hole and then it droops far enough to kick in the horizontal safety valve. So, I have to hold the handle the whole time. First…