Dont ask Elon, his numbers are always off a bit..
Dont ask Elon, his numbers are always off a bit..
after the first few days of crazy is when I sold/locked in. It was on a Thursday before the big 1k swings..
I’m ytd +2% on bonds down 1.7% on stocks.. it’s safe against a major correction, not a long term investment.
Same on Euro motorcycles. My Ducati has a “off-lock” position and a
“off-lock-lights on” position. This is headlight off, rear and turn signal on off course. Just so they can be seen parked on dark Euro roads..
Call a security contractor, hire security... Guys with sunglasses and m4's
Or if I would of moved into bonds in 2008 like I did last week, my portfolio wouldn’t of lost anything and I would of had twice as much in it today. Last week I moved most of my stocks to bonds. I’m actually up since last week. Everyone else down 12%... We were all suckers in 2008, listened to the professionals, and…
it was called 2008.. that’s the point. I listened to the stay in the market, play the long game group. by the way, check the market
I’m saying move money from stocks to bonds, then back when the market bottoms out. I’m saying dont do any extreme thing, manage you money.
Real Estate guys always say its time to buy a house, stock guys always say tough it out. But both times it’s your money not theirs. How are you feeling now? Same?
Don’t have more than two credit cards. One you use the other for emergencies. The one you use, don’t go above 35% of the balance..
so what is the headline? the train decouples or a amtrack train actually got to 125mph?
This isn’t a all or nothing thing. Regarding 401k’s, if the market is crazy, move more to bonds. Less of a return, but less of a risk. Obviously to most people, a historical high is a sign of a soon to be bust. So this isn’t over yet. Just like you shouldn’t listen to the guys that say sell everything and move to…
Couple things. We are in the black sea, this stuff will happen. Also, why didn’t those navy guys crash that plane into the China Sea. They landed it in a Chinese Airbase? I hope all those guys are still in jail.
people are not looking for ice cream every five minutes. they are checking their phone that often..
Replace the plugs one at a time. don’t take them all out at once. Many times the wires go back wrong because they get all excited about removing plugs. one at a time prevents this error
that is the pure definition of “trickle down” just a little trickle..
If smartphones were a drug, they would be illegal. Substitute heroin for smartphone in any conversation about this. You soon realize it’s a true addiction that people are letting happen.
I just buy extended warranties and let the shop guys do this...
There is a great article in Foreign Affairs magazine, yes magazine, you know paper? Debunking the “if we raise the minimum wage, prices will go up equally” theory. . The brunt of the article points out that labor is only a small fraction of operating costs of a a Taco Bell or McDonalds. So a 25% raise in wages doesn’t…
So now everything they have learned is now subject to IP litigation from Tesla. If anything shows up on a MB car are truck that looks remotely like Tesla’s, they will be in court and talking about this.