
Please please please put him on the “No Fly” list so he’ll have to take the bus from Texas to DC like a common armadillo...

Not sure where the lie is. Sports are separated by gender. Screenwriter and director awards aren’t.

Chances of this guy having made his daughters take that creepy Purity Oath thing: 1000%.

Thanks, I knew I had heard this before, word for word.

30 years ago a similar comment was the beginning of the end of Clayton Williams’ run for TX governor.  These days, it would probably seal the election for him.

The only “good” abortion ban would be to ban men, like myself, from having a fucking opinion or say in what a woman does with her body, whether that’s abortion, birth control, or anything else.

Who is going to feed, clothe, educate and care for all these babies born by force? Or will more laws force the women who are forced to give birth to do so? Meanwhile, the rapid right removes, reduces or fights any sort of social service, childcare, feeding assistance program, etc etc…

The whole point of cheerleading is to be sexualized and objectified while supporting men and always staying in the background. If the NFL thought for a nanosecond that cheerleading was valuable, they’d pay well and treat their cheerleaders with respect and kindness. They wouldn’t use them as interchangeable accessories

No #METOO moment”, yet she tells the story of a cheerleader who quit the squad rather than be the personal DCC uniformed plaything accompanying Jerry Jones and his fellow businessmen on a personal jet. (He is well known in Dallas as a complete pig.) She went to the the DCC management (the ones you know from that

I think cheerleading is like beauty pageants. There’s no saving it. These women are dancers and athletes, they should focus on that and join a dance troupe instead of cheerleading for the NFL. They have an awful track record toward women, that they have no interest in repairing.

Yeah, I mean, he’s toast no matter what and this will be a topic of discussion for a long time for obvious reasons. It’s not a shoplifting charge; he’s already done terribly when it comes to explaining himself and he was in for far, far worse if this proceeded no matter how it ended up for him.

Given it was a civil case not really as far as I can see. It’s still an end result of massive payout and everyone regarding you as a rapist.

I mean the dude might as well have just fought it and been found to be a rapist to a civil standard given that loudly shouting about how you’ll clear yourself at trial and that you have the evidence to do so before then settling the moment you’re told “everyone will be under oath mate” is effectively admitting to

If you live in a place where shoes off are not almost universal and you are hosting any kind of event with lots of people have not been to your home before, warn people. It’s a disability access issue. People will adapt. But if it’s not common, people might not be prepared.

Same. I need arch support. At this very moment I’m wearing sneakers in my home for that reason. I’m polite when people want shoes off in their spaces. But I’m an introvert and unless I know people really well, I’d rather not be in their houses anyway. Happily, I live in NYC where most of us get together outside our

Did anyone else have a Grandma or a relative who would be horrified when you’d walk around the house in your “stocking feet”?