I agree. I don’t like people who treat service staff badly, or who bring pointless nuisance lawsuits, but she had a signed contract for these things so I don’t understand why the hotel would think she shouldn’t get them.
I agree. I don’t like people who treat service staff badly, or who bring pointless nuisance lawsuits, but she had a signed contract for these things so I don’t understand why the hotel would think she shouldn’t get them.
How dare she push for something that she was contractually entitled to, how dare she. I’m sure she probably was an asshole in other ways, but I’m on her side in not letting them slide on those ones.
Until you mentioned that you were Indian, I’d been reading this as “Girl Nathan”. I thought it was weird they had a pseudonymous writer.
Tootie would have been OK. But Regine Hunter would have killed.
He's in the same prison as Apollo Nida, Pheadre Parks' husband.
Whoa, it just occurred to me that Juicy Joe will be doing his time at Fort Dix...alongside Apollo Nida, onetime beloved of Ms. Phaedra Parks, Esq., of the Atlanta Southern Belles Coalition of Funereal Proprieters™ and RHOA.
My ‘spiritual’ friend dumped me when I got chronically ill. Because it says so in The Secret, you shouldn’t consort with sick people because it will attract more sickness. Some spiritual people are sick in the head. Namaste cuntface!
I still feel like I got dumped by Jon Stewart :( He basically said, “America, it’s not you it’s me. Actually, it is you. You are kind of the worst. I tried my best to fix what we have, but you are just toxic. I’m gonna go live on a farm that rescues cute chubby piggies.”
I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.
She looks like Tamra Barney in that still.
In case you missed it the first time, Tracie’s piece on the rise and fall of Lisa Frank was one of the most interesting things I’ve ever read on Jezebel. It’s long but totally worth it.
Remember when you could BUY stuff on that show? That was the best.
I think Canada inserted a proxy mandate for this subset of crimes. Dude wants to represent himself, fine, he can do that. But he MUST have a court officier handle the questioning of the accuser. He can do all the other stuff on his own, and he can confer with the court officer about what questions he wants posed but…
Yes on all accounts. I wish Bethenny’s creeper ex would just let the divorce happen already. He is the definition of a leech.
God, I hope they do. He’s a whiny man-child who revels in sticking it to her that he cheated. She’s losing her freaking mind over it because she cannot get the strength to tell him to kiss her ass.
Leslie Jones has been the most refreshing addition to this cast. She is hilarious.
That Jennifer Lawrence impression is *spot on*.
Where I grew up, boys went to Jupiter, girls went to college. Also, girls go to Mars to be super stars.
As a parent of a small daughter all I can say is your right but you are going to exhaust yourself. My daughter is also multi cultural, and if I had to sit her down and fight every micro bs moment we wouldn’t have time to have fun with life. The best I can teach her is that it is up to her to define her own existance,…