but wasnt the delivery method of hard candy one of the remedies that already existed? (as stated in the article..)
but wasnt the delivery method of hard candy one of the remedies that already existed? (as stated in the article..)
"and inspiring videos like this. " he was including posts like this. He's talking about articles that clearly didnt have much time spent on them.
can we retire this joke please?
to anyone with a windows phone, a bunch of xbox live games are on sale for $0.99!
to anyone with a windows phone, a bunch of xbox live games are on sale for $0.99!
to anyone with a windows phone, a bunch of xbox live games are on sale for $0.99!
i had to stop using chrome since the pages would need to be reloaded when i actually wanted to use them and they would crash constantly. Usually freezing up my whole browser. ended up going with opera but i use firefox at school with a lot of tabs and that works too. (the crashing and freezing happens when i use a lot…
you only peel the top white part off, not the whole thing. The same part you would clip off... peels off especially easy in the shower when the nails get soft. although, when i was younger for some reason like every now and then i'd be able to peel one of my entire toenails off and there'd be a like a small bit of…
"I took the photo above but I did not write the article or select the words used. This IS the Bay Bridge and not the Golden Gate Bridge. Yes, the Golden Gate Bridge is more "iconic" and more frequently photographed. The Bay Bridge is older, carries more traffic, and is iconic in its own right. I like the Bay Bridge -…
i feel like what they show in commercials/probably demo units isnt what it looks like after its personalized. i have people and groups pinned which are all live tiles in addition to the regular 'plain' tiles they show in commercials. additionally xbox live and zune are different from the other standard live tiles and…
personal Windows Phone app favorites:
also fairly certain comcast works with hbo go... unless they changed something recently. (comcast user who has used hbo go in the past but not really recently)
or maybe "38thsignal" is korean for "troll"
well put and exactly how i've felt. ive been visiting less and less.. partly due to iffy content and also due to the decline of the comments section/how certain people are banned or not banned.
[theoatmeal.com] you, lol.
i imagine this guy did not buy a makerbot for the purpose of printing out the base for this little diy project 24/7 to make money on. its clear that the intention was just to make himself a single item, and show other people how to make their own.
but if you order now, you get TWO! plus a free slapchop!
how is battery life on mirrorless cameras like this compared dslrs? also does this use a battery pack instead of aa's? i have a kx and i have great battery life with sony eneloops. even though it adds a bit of weight i like being able to use AA's so i dont need to charge my batteries while on a trip, i can just…
"making it easier for everyone from kids to the elderly to operate"