did they change the title after you commented? cause it says for the girly girl...
did they change the title after you commented? cause it says for the girly girl...
this article does not ever say in it "buy something pink if its for a woman" it says '"gifts for the GIRLY girl." as in, someone who likes things that are pink and have glitter on them.
critically acclaimed?
lane closures? no thanks. not worth it.
grew up in california, love cilantro. ate a lot of mexican food growing up. no idea where the whole soap thing comes from but i've heard it before
also wondering how you can be both agnostic and an atheist.
happened to me for the first time yesterday.. its horrible. why block out the rest of the article!
yeah i think no matter how different you make it look there are people out there who have little knowledge about technology and only know the names ipad/iphone. i've had someone ask if my samsung focus was an iphone. (while i was using it, so not just a blank screen)
whats that supposed to mean?
i know that, i figured it out. i meant that my phone uses on windows live id(thats associated with a gamertag) and my brother uses another. i cant change the live id on my phone without factory resetting it so i wont be able to use this app on his account. i suppose i can just set up an account on the xbox instead
seconding app flow, they have awesome lists to show you recently discounted and recently free apps. (as well as things like 'new and impressive')
idk, it doesnt look that bad in the picture. i have a focus and i know its smaller, but i could definitely reach about a cm further than the back button comfortably (i have pretty small hands.) maybe you hold your phone funny?
its because of mango. the only thing hardware-wise that i think would effect the experience is how nice of a screen it is.
idk about other people but in actually using my focus, i dont really notice it. my eyes are too busy focusing on the live tiles.
could you just find one on craigslist and not put a sim card in it? got my focus for $30 that way
HONEST QUESTION: I dont have membership but my brother does. I would like to use this app on my brothers xbox, but would i then have to use my brother's gamertag on my phone? I have a gamertag and an avatar and acheivments for my xbox live games so i would prefer to keep those..