
But do you understand how hard you are being trolled right now?

You could be describing any watch

“I lack the quasi-erotic relationship with personal technology that many of my contemporaries enjoy.” I’ve never met one of these people, but I sure hear them referred to in every article about technology I ever read!

Also, your phone broke. Congrats!

Nintendo is punishing everyone for not playing/enjoying my levels. Appreciate it Nintendo, I gotcha back too.

Only on the basest of statements. Fox’s position is Trump is bad because he will lead to Hillary presidency. You can’t just stop at ‘bad’ and say Fox is right.

Demon’s I get since it is still console exclusive to one system. I played it last fall for the first time. I guess Dark Souls makes sense too since it is only split onto two consoles. I could see Dark Souls 2 being actually the worst since it is split into 4 different groupings.

Well you should die. In the game. Seriously nothing personal at all. I just think it is great to die and get angry about it.

Dark Souls 1 is the best of them

It is no doubt racist. So no more Zoe? She has had it too good for too long?

Says the guy who most likely raped a 15 year old.

Alpha male got good and is best!

I’m so mad Breitbart will shut down before people start calling it Breitbort.

That is false!

Tactics. Most played game.

Once Apple said “it could be done” wasn’t that just the wink/nod that the Govt just had to hire Apple employees as contractors and get this done while continuing to have the fight in the open because hey that must mean that they aren’t actually cooperating?

Are we gonna ignore the Trump tweet? Because you could probably write a long-form on the nuances of it.

You see the Trump tweet? Too bad it came after this article was published.

Depends on how bad they are feeling that bern.

That is probably true, but at least the 18 year olds knew they were going to vote.