
I'm sounds like you might be judging the other mothers choice of not wearing makeup/fixing hair/clothing attire from your comment. Even if you're not actually saying it to them directly, they may pick up on your judging based on body language, etc.

I found Stockholm to be incredibly safe. Although I had nothing bad happen to me the times I've been in Amsterdam, there are signs all over the place warning people of pickpocketing.

I have tattoos on both my ankle and the back of my neck. I disagree that the pain in both areas are the same. The back of my neck felt like light scratches. My ankle on the other hand, that was one of the mos painful experiences I've ever had. And I could feel one of my bones vibrating during it ugh.

Do not ask him to visit you in order for you to break up with him. Super rude. I think Skype is appropriate. However if you want to do it in person, you fly to him and stay in a hotel. If you use like hotwire or hotel tonight you could get the room super cheap.

Hey, I'm sorry for what happened to you and the hurt it caused. While I know this is considered to be the coward's way out (and maybe it is for most people), for me I wasn't afraid of telling them. I just figured there would be less hurt overall if they disliked me and dumped me. I tried to go out of my way to make

Wow that's brutal. I've never done anything like that. I would just start acting distant, etc.

Honestly - don't do what I've done. First, I need to point out that I know what I did was absolutely wrong. Thank goodness I'm no longer like this. This post is more of a "what not to do".

I love Black Honey, and looks great on me, but I don't believe ANY lipstick is universally flattering (I've heard this about Black Honey too.)

My husband has a Misfit Flash and is quite unhappy with the sleep tracker.

I've just tried pinching myself in the hand location you mentioned, but it doesn't hurt at all? Am I doing it wrong? When I pinch myself in the forearm though it hurts! So maybe I'll try that in the future.

As someone who currently lives in Wisconsin, I can say that I've found locals to be rather blunt. If you want passive-aggressive go to Seattle (as a former resident of Seattle, I say this with affection).

I would expand General to include any military rank.

Glad to get rid of that, super annoying.

Really? Because I've been going to the gym 6x a week for over 14 years and I wear a Fitbit. Different people need/want different things, and guess what..that's OK.

good to know! :)

I had no idea that you could watch old I Love Lucy episodes on TV Land's website, thanks!

When I was in elementary school, my parents gave me $1 a week. In high school, it was increased to $5 a week.

I usually ask if I can be put on a wait list for any cancellations that might pop up. It's been pretty successful.

Thanks for posting this!

Thanks for posting this!

FYI...when I typed in the hotel name on the lodging tab, it wouldn't appear on the summary. Instead the hotel address was there. I looked and it was set to Lodging! B5 when it should be Lodging! B4, I fixed it and now it works correctly.