
That's your take on it.....

I love you Jez, but seriously delete this article. I feel so bad that her dad is going to have this wild accusation pop up on google searches that Amanda herself said was a lie. That combined with her obvious need for mental health, this article should just be deleted.

Please read Amanda's latest tweet regarding this.

Well she just posted this: " amanda bynes @amandabynes 15m 15 minutes ago My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me" so she refutes it herself. I hope she

She just denied it herself on twitter.

I hope she gets the help she needs. She just posted this:

I never wanted an engagement ring. For me, they are just an added expense. Instead I had my husband buy me a Tiffany's platinum wedding ring with one tiny diamond imbedded in it instead.

For the most part I agree with you. However, Chuck Taylor's actually look better a bit worn.

True, although they always made my vodka tonics a bit weak.

I've always considered the five point more of a dive bar than a restaurant. Now, up the hill is the 5 spot, which is a damn fine restaurant (esp. their breakfast)!!!

Cookie butter is one of the most amazing foods ever.

If you use Jolen on the will be lightened enough that it will be less visible. At the same time it'll still technically exist so your family might be OK with it. Honestly though, if you're over 18 and want to pluck your eyebrows, you should

Yeah..I think specifically Urkranian Prankster.

I like the way The Talk handled it...they refused to mention him by name when discussing the incident.

Anytime I have iffy symptoms I call my nurse hotline. They ask me various questions and determine whether I should go to ER, urgent care, or see the regular doctor. They're able to schedule appointments for the last two for me as well.

Where in Scandinavia are you thinking of going? My order of most fav to least fav: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway

I've also seen giant tubs of Nutella in Sweden and Norway. yum.

Yep, me too

I had no idea.

Not all the remote tech services from Microsoft cost. I'm having trouble getting my updates..they said no charge for updates. But at the same time, I've chatted with 4 people for a total of 4+ hours and no one seems to be able to fix my problem (and you turn over your computer to's not like I'm bad at