
Don't pretend like you care about any of those people. Your boy, Trump, certainly doesn't.

Was it the same house?

Getting out the vote is important, of course, but at this point I think the more likely outcome is that Trump ends up discouraging his own voters with all this rigged talk.

So now you conspiracy nuts don't even think Obama is an Obama? Let me guess: his father was an Ancient Alien.

So then what the fuck is he doing there? Who cares what he wants or thinks? Oh, right, the orange moron cares what he thinks.


Wait, The Chew doesn't have a Hispanic guy, are you thinking of another cooking show?


Didn't feel that way for Superbad, but definitely The Hangover. It didn't help that ever actor in that movie seemed to be promoting a different clip on every late night show. By the time I saw it there wasn't a laugh to be had.

I feel like this could be a good place for a sitcom. For some reason I'm picturing a variation of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Goddamn, indeed. Screw all those people that have tried to compare her to an animal. She's a beautiful woman, you racist idiots!

It's just amazing how little self-awareness any of these assholes have. "What's that? This guy is saying that Trump's words are causing angry and hateful responses? Fuck that guy and his daughter".

That show was fun. I wish it had lasted longer, but I'm glad it got a semi-ending.

Ron Swanson, is that you?

It just pisses me off that this asshole is willing to burn it all down just to satisfy his ego. He has no ability to ever admit being wrong or the possibility of losing, so of course it all has to be rigged! I mean it obviously has to be some nefarious cabal made up of bankers(Jews?), minorities, foreigners,

Trumpites now calling other people conspiracy theorists. Of course that does follow his "I know you are, but what am I" style.

Ah, so you've decided to reveal yourself. You're trying to push the Conservative News Service. Give it up, dude. Your boy, Trump, is going down.

You're pushing the propaganda hard. Either you're actively in on it or you're a kool-aid sipping-Andrew-Jones-loving-Breitbart wannabe. Which is it? Are you a liar or just a moron?

Stop it with the Russian propaganda, dude, we're on to you.

I didn't really know what to make of @Drizzt before, but his insistence that the fighting in Yemen wasn't a civil war and that all the deaths were Obama's fault led me to believe that he is: a liar, a troll or (based on him mentioning that you only paid attention to American propaganda) a Russian plant.