
Well... sorry, it is quite true... police reports and all. They are harder to find, as they have only happened a few times total, though the more pedestrian "several shots and kept going" happens much more often.

Head... not really...

Too light and too soft...

You have no idea what you are talking about...

Actually, these rounds don't seem special to me.

Its true, I don't know you directly... What I said as a cause is only a possibility.

What happened to you was a bad thing... I am sorry you had to deal with that.

At least the taped magazines are practical somewhat... this is unwieldy and an absolute pain to use.

I know there are several European countries that allow people to own firearms...

You do realize... despite the name... I can be an intelligent, balanced and logical individual right? I was studying engineering before joining, I considered physics, as it has always been a fascination of mine, but engineering was a more practical degree to get into a career... not everyone is a "knuckle dragger" who

Oh, ok.

What trolls do you speak of?

Ah yes... because none of them can be actual enemies right?

Most people who carry now are smart enough to evaluate the situation before blindly shooting away...

Just looking at all those barely visible tiny bright specks in the image, and knowing they are all also complete galaxies... but too far to image, and what that means to the true scale of it all... knowing all the vastness and the new things we will never see or know... probably untold numbers of whole civilizations

See my reply to Delphininis.

I didn't even touch on the logistics side of it... that no on considers.

You realize there are people in this country who come from families of little means right? That go to small schools and despite good grades are ignored for scholarships... and often times do not qualify for much financial aid. (because the financial aid system in this country is messed up... it will help the very

I'll pipe in for a comment...

It isn't more deadly... its just designed to increase the chances of a first shot hit. This is a big problem with police officers involved in shootings. The by-standards hit by missed shots in NYC not long back is an example.