
This is a good idea for foods that need to cook at two temperatures through the day.

The on ground hazards are basically the same as a prop plane, ground crew are already aware of the dangers.

No more than a prop plane...

I have discovered broken tools that went unreported. Broken after start of day inspection and inventory and found at end of shift inventory. Usually in my shop, it was the tip of a dental pick we used to clean flux and maneuver parts on circuit cards. (electronics tech)

Foreign Object Debris or Foreign Object Damage... depending on when it is used... After you drop it, or after it causes damage.

Good one

People are too self important nowadays... can't be considerate anymore.

Well... that is the foundation the USA was founded on...

Bacon... butter... candy... hamburgers... ets etc... all unhealthy... Lets ban them.

So... where did the inspiration come from for these features then?

I think the thing running through them as they were peacefully flying along, may have pissed them off a bit though.

I seem to recall stating multiple times on using knowledge of how our minds work to improve how we communicate and interact with others... Something about realizing/knowing how the mind uses generalities and being mindful of how they can be harmful...

I'm simply arguing that they exist as part of human nature... that they will never go away, but the harm can be mitigated for the harmful ones if one is willing to look objectively.

"Stereotyping" no...

I covered some of this in another comment...

Vaguely at best...

I didn't see the horrible missuse you apparently seen...

I wouldn't expect you too be... not like I am.

I don't think he claimed a cause to the findings.

Ok... Until you see this study used to perpetuate and justify discrimination, then you can't complain about it or call it a bad thing.