
Hi Avionics Tech here... As in the guy who works on the electronic systems on planes...

I knew he did a lot of work with Rhapsody before...

He has done work with Progressive metal band Rhapsody... so its possible that affected the choice of meter and style...

Its not always cherished... Sometimes its just a curiosity/appreciation/interest in various systems, regardless of what they are.

First... you completely missed the point... Speed limits are 55 or whatever... so why do you need a car that can travel faster? many can go over 100mph easily... driving that fast is illegal and dangerous, yet people frequently speed... (along with many other unsafe things when driving... like drinking alcohol...

Well first... Please don't assume that just because you are uneducated on guns... that everyone is. Also not everyone is unbalanced... are the majority of people you know unbalanced?

I actually couldn't care less about the tyranny bit... Its possible that it could happen though. As far as knowing when the government has reached that point... there are certain actions most would agree as bad. Things like rounding up citizens and putting them in prison camps for no good reason is one... But

Common ground can be found anywhere... as well as a mutual respect...

I will check them out...

I can be long winded...

Ignored no... just did not feel the need to expand upon them.

Well you don't have to point a gun at someone to use it correctly... targets work just fine. Its what I do anyway.

Another thing I would like to add... that I think we can find some common ground.

Why yes they do... I'm glad you know this. I would hate for you to go around hacking at your steak with the wrong end of the knife.

(I am reading and answering each of your statements in turn... so read to the end please)

Which says absolutely nothing...

Ah.. I see your tactic... Causation by Correlation...

Most mass shootings ARE pre-planned terrorism... maybe not with any political or spiritual goal, but acts designed to cause the most chaos they can.

Add word to my mouth... its ok...

You disarm a man holding a knife... then we can talk...