
Pretty much, thanks.

Good reply.

That has more to do with your culture than the gun laws.

I have a lot of good arguments... just not the time to put them out sometimes. I was heading out the door when I wrote that.

There are laws regarding taking concealed weapons into places of large public gatherings. Theaters qualify, and it is against the law to carry concealed in the theater. Some states do not have this rule though.


Mechanical systems can fail in the field regardless of the care taken during assembly.

Double post...

I'll stick with hobby grade RC helis. Repairable, upgradeable, and the trainer versions uses the same standardized control setups of the bigger more capable RC helis, which helps you learn how to control them. Plus the ability to have several swappable batteries for hobby grade helis.

There are no new ideas... just old ideas in a new wrapper.

Because its quicker and easier than pulling my phone out of my pocket, hitting power to wake it up, then putting it back in my pocket.


Geth* First true synthetics created in current cycle...

True... but there is the possibility that the "Organic/Synthetic" war was far in the future. (if excluding the Reaper existence) And that the Reapers act proactively rather than reactively. Also it is established that the Reapers wanted to cleanse the galaxy sooner than they started, but the Protheans hindered the

(As I said above)

Some have issues with the "Control" and "Synthesis" endings

I did not see that bit... I did see the child say that "the cycle will continue so be it"... (or something to that effect) in a gruff angry demonic voice.

So the plot holes and vagueness are gone... good... the endings feel proper now.

Some places are offering charge stations... and if I'm desperate, I can stop and buy a cheap cord. iPod cables cost a lot more.

The line does not center both runners head.