
Thats the way it is with most investing into stocks... unless you can afford thousands of shares, any net gain will not be worth it. Inflation, alternative investment's better payouts, etc.

"(bright sunlight sneezing syndrome)"

"You make a good point about the 2nd amendment throughout your post."

Oh and the right of selling your property... apparently thats under attack too.

"Those guns were originally purchased through legitimate sources then resold, therefore making my points 2 and 3 viable rules."

Maine Coons are gentle loving cats despite the looks. They also have odd personality traits. I have one... She is a lump with the biggest "don't give a s***" attitude I have ever seen. She will stop walking and just fall over with a thud whenever she feels like laying down.

Wow... thats a lot of rights violations... and not just the second amendment.

Its easier... but thats not the point, the point is... someone determined to kill will find a way. Humans have killed other humans plenty and easily well before guns even existed.

Pottery and paper... always fun. Most who don't like guns would claim that you can't do anything but kill with them.

While some homicide is an act of opportunity... most is planed, and you don't need a gun to plan and commit murder...

Most would claim that any time you can reach a zombie with a bat is a time the zombie can reach out and touch you as well. Melee is a last resort really.

They are not very effective rounds really. They are great at not over penetrating, but they penetrate so little in flesh, that they would just make a coke head pissed off.

Very true... but the better calibers help your chances. Pistol calibers are poor killers in general though. 10mm is one of the best, and it is far from 100% effective or deadly. Handguns are about 10% death rate for those shot with them. While the ability to stop an attack with a single shot (but not cause death) is

I wouldn't use it as my defensive ammo, even though it is the same.

That was the first thing I thought...


You mean a woman can be attractive without being a rail?! Go figure... LOL

There is aluminum oxide... also called alumina or corundum... which is almost as hard as diamond... Its what makes up rubies and sapphires, and its also what gives sandpaper and grinding wheels their abrasiveness.

I think it will be better... the left side stick on the 360 is more comfortable in the long term due to the lower angle between your hand and thumb when holding the controller, but they did the right side lower as a compromise in which they halved the distance of where your thumb would lay when naturally grasping.

They have made functionality for desktop overall less efficient to me...