
I can sympathize with being left out... I have to deal with it as well.

For those wondering... "Why such low specs?" Well they need to conciser many variables.

They pick part based on:

Completely irrelevant to this story... and it isn't a phone.

Beauty... that highlights the massive energy of the sun.

LOL... shouldn't be too hard.

For something this important... I doubt there will be under performance. Over cost is more likely.

Well... I have seen older stuff where he ate things other than cookies. All short skits similar to this one, I just don't remember seeing pointed teeth.

Anyone notice the Cookie Monster had pointed teeth in that video? I don't remember that from watching it in the 80s.

Well you can't pop in just any sim card in a US carrier GSM phone and it work. (AT&T sim will not work in a US T-mobile phone for example) You have to sim unlock it.

The Rezound does... Full GSM radio.

I already have LTE... but I did read a post elsewhere that had an update where they confirmed it affected those already on LTE.

I think it only takes effect when you go through an upgrade... just start buying the phones outright. Added benefit, no contract.

This happens to all plastic in jeans... white just shows it up better. Cheaper jeans bleed more ink as well, but any pair will bleed some ink.

It happens... I really wasn't busting on you. :-P

I have the JVC "marshmallow" versions... the best "less than $150" headphones I have used. As far as cheap headphones they are great. Cost $15

I recognized the slide... then saw the rest and confirmed it.

Yes... I know... now look at its most inland cities and how far away from the coastal port cities they are.

This does not let TSA off the hook in my eyes.

As screwed up as child porn is... if they had ruled the other way, it could have implications far reaching into other areas that we do not want.