We are all, collectively, crushed under that elephant.
Internalized misogyny is extremely insidious.
I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.
What is it with Republicans and their incredibly punch-friendly faces?
Yes. It also puts down single parents and same sex couples. That’s the thing with MRAers. They can start off sounding reasonable by claiming they just care about unobjectionable things like suicide prevention and support for male victims of abuse. But then you really get them talking, and you see the poison that…
I’m a progressive, and an MRA.
I don’t believe you’re a person of color or a victim. You’re stirring shit up with a hypothetical scenario.
I think you’re making up a rape to bolster your argument. Yep, I said it.
why do you specify that you would teach your sons these things? if you had daughters, would you not teach them the same way?
You can want all these things and continue to call yourself a name that immediately makes better think you hate women. But don’t be so surprised when people think you sympathize with the agenda of the faction you self-identify with.
Maybe you should call yourself something that doesn’t connote violent harassment and disdain towards women and non-masculine men.
I don’t want your support and I don’t need it. I would be thrilled to be considered a enemy to you and your movement. I know who I am and What I stand for firmly. My mom raised me that way. And what I stand for will never ever seek the support or help from anyone who aligns themselves with a movement that is…
The problem with that is that the “MRA” movement is demonstrably misogynist and you know it if you visited any internet MRA sites or went to any events. It’s a hate group that starts by luring people in under the guise of “men’s rights” but then morphs quickly into misogyny. The same way that any hate group does. …
How to express emotion and when not to. You do know that men are more emotional than women right? Science. But again, your sexism shines through. Goodnight and good luck. You are definitely an MRA.
And you have no desire to contribute to helping women or the LGBTQ members of our communities. Just the men. That close mindedness and singular thinking is what has led to 1 out if 4 black girls sexually assaulted before 18. How about wanting to close the pay gap for the women who are raising our children? That goes…
I’m a man. What is it you think makes teaching the same thing different just because of their gender? If my wife came to me and asked me how to teach confidents and self-reliance (lol) to my son because I’m a man and I know how to teach those things to a boy, I’d look at her like she was crazy. It’s her son, if she…
LOL. No shit genius, hence the “peeing standing up” remark. We were obviously talking about character traits. You suggested you would teach your sons certain character traits, in a way that suggested you wouldn’t be teaching those things to a daughter.
That’s nonsensical. How would you not be modeling behavior for your daughters? You gave a list of things you would “teach” your sons to be, presumably because you think those are good traits. You wouldn’t “teach” your daughters to be those things?
And here I was beginning to believe you might be one of those mythical MRAs, I’ve heard whispers about who isn’t sexist. But no, men=strong and aggressive, women=weak and soft. And apparently we aren’t self reliant. Lack of male role models in the classroom is because of men and how education is considered women’s…