
Those men shouldn’t be able to reproduce for society’s sake. It’s a win-win.

What is so stupid about this man's realization? You think it's bad that he believes in equality for ALL his daughters?

God, couldn’t get past the first few sentences. He still thinks of women as men’s daughters? And didn’t realise they deserved respect until he had a daughter of his own?

I thought this stupidity would have died with gawker.

You know the phrase “pooped out my daughter” makes me want to thunder punch someone, anyone.

Is that you dad? Women are still bitches, sluts, and whores to my dad. I’m a woman worthy of respect. But I’m the only woman worth of respest. He reminds me of Donald Trump in that way.

The man straight up and down married his adopted daughter. Like how is there even a debate about this?

Is it bad that I was expecting his reasoning to be that it meant no one in the office could hit on her? And that I’m only marginally relieved (but a great deal more offended) that it was “hur dur, the other women will be jealous and wrathful”?

us ‘mericans get awfully confused about the definition of “United Kingdom” :D

As a survivor of sexual abuse, I would never perpetuate language or actions as described in FOX complaint.

Victims of sexual abuse can very often also end up as perpetrators.

Now playing

Eh, he has said/done some pretty sexist stuff in the past. Off the top of my head (I’m from MA, so) I remember him making some sexist comments about Elizabeth Warren regarding her not being qualified to be a professor at Harvard and that he was happy she didn’t “take off her clothes” to pay for college, intimating she

Honest question: did you just read every third word of the article, or only half the headline? No one is shaming Marla, and she didn’t “choose” to do it, Trump was pressuring her to. Keep holding your breath about getting to see nude photos of her though.

“The people of Gizmodo.” Guess what, man: we’ve found your fort, and we’re bringing all our friends and a case of Natty Light and a boombox, and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.

“We did not oppose the family’s use of pseudonyms, and certainly did not request that the young woman’s name be made public. Rather, we agreed to the family’s use of pseudonyms during pretrial phases of litigation, provided they agreed to stop improperly attacking the School’s character in statements to the press...”

There is zero public interest in releasing a victim’s name. It is done for public spectacle and to ensure that she will be harassed, humiliated and doubted as is typical of victims of sexual assault. This is so disgusting and I cannot believe that people are still sending their kids to this hell hole.

No correction needed, this is exactly what is happening :(

So, basically, they are attempting to blackmail the family into silence with the threat of releasing her name. I mean, that’s what it sounds like to me. Correct me if that’s wrong.

I find her odious by proxy. She must be somewhat a piece of shit because she married a giant orange piece of shit.

Let’s say some awful judge believes this lying piece of shit. The answer to “I can’t pay, can we have sex instead”? Is “No lady, that would be unprofessional plus it’s probably illegal here so get out of my car and don’t use this service again unless you can pay”.