
Of course he’s not Hitler. He doesn’t have the gravitas. He’s Mussolini. The Blowhard Factor, it is essential.

“He’s not Hitler,” said Trump. “He wants to help America.

Abortion for no good reason during the third trimester is already illegal, but both Clinton and Sanders support keeping the final decision between the woman and her physician. For him to claim a higher moral ground is meaningless. It would be like, if Hillary suddenlyy came out for a $16 minimum wage. Would that make

Why does reality bother you so much that you use so many words to try to refute it with false equivalencies?

More proof that the Berniebros have adopted Republican tactics outright, including the dishonest argument that “both sides” are equally to blame whenever something bad happens.

Clinton leads by 3 million popular votes and 280 delegates (the mortal, non-super kind). According to 538 there are indeed 10 more contests that Sanders supporters can, and should, vote their hearts out in. I’m sure winning California did wonders for Hillary’s self esteem in 2008, but it in fact did not prevent Obama

His campaign has shown there are people who respond to the promise of revolution.

I don't think Matt here knows how this stuff works.

Not to mention how immensely hypocritical it is to bitch endlessly about how “undemocratic” the process is, and then try to override the voters.

Yeah, totally, Bernie’s going to win 60+% of the remaining vote. And he’s behind in the polls in California. What alternate universe are you guys living in?

He doesn’t need to drop out, and he shouldn’t, but it’s time to fucking change the rhetoric of his campaign and begin reconciliation. His refusal to acknowledge his dying chances is leading to this insane bullshit. Fix it, Bernie. This is on you.

This is the kind of behavior I expect from Trump followers. Also, if I hear ‘establishment’ one more time I’m going to lose my fucking mind.

It’s time for him to fucking drop out. You’ve lost. Look at how ugly your supporters behavior is. Is this really what you wanted when you started this, Bernie? For shame.