
only pick families of Democrats who’d voted for Trump

1) Chelsea Clinton isn’t running for office, but thanks for the comment regardless. 2) She has a PhD from Oxford, but I’m sure your accomplishments are far more substantial.

Neither has trump or Bernie sanders, yet here we are.

The photo was taken at school, so the school is involved.

So he lives in a development with “plantation” in its name, whose website has pictures of white people doing White People Things, and it describes its architecture style as “Old Florida”?

Something tells me this kid’s not in near as much trouble as the school’s spokespeople are implying to the media. Privilege, like

Are you seriously saying that women (and I guess non-white people?) should consider being treated less than equally as a great way to build character?

Welp, looks like the millenial BernieBros finally got their libertarian utopia at the Fyrefestival. Hope they’re enjoying living the dream.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

Exactly. I mean, his silence speaks volumes.

Sanders never tried to correct it, and he never spoke out when his followers misspoke. Obviously we aren’t going to agree here, but the bottom line of my sentiment is that women and POC voters tended to have a distrust of Bernie, and it’s this kind of standing back while his surrogates behaved disrespectfully (if I’m

That’s disingenuous, as there is a surprisingly large difference between voting for reproductive choice for women as you sit in DC...and writing and championing legislation for women’s reproductive choices. And that is why Clinton was endorsed by PP, and Bernie was not.

Did you not read this post? PP put out a statement refuting this approval rating. Ah, God is in the lil’details like facts.

Bernie reminds me of 1960's radicals who supported socialist agendas, but really saw basic rights for women and people of color as an afterthought that could be solved with socialism. It can’t. Systemic racism and sexism and misogyny is a lot more complicated than that. To me that was Bernie’s fatal flaw. Which is

And for that alone, white men follow him like a New England Jim Jones.

Let me guess, Bernies record should be all that matters and we should cut him all the slack when he does shit like this,

I watched a town hall Bernie had with people in coal mining town. At no point did he propose job retraining in clean energy as solution to the decades long decline of coal. He knows it is tainted by Clinton’s gaffe about the jobs not coming back. Instead, he let them drone on about their pride in coal jobs and the

This is one of those issues that Bernie supporters want to hide, that their fearless leader was very low key republican.
He talks all this fancy shit on how to fix the economy, while not looking publicly like a misogynistic bastard.
It’s a great slight of the hand, the only reason you can catch him is when you start

Same. I had so many reservations about him, but I generally tried to keep an open mind. I’m done. I’m out. He gives a shit only about his agenda, and coming at economic progress from the whitest dude slant possible. Fuck progressives like that.

Yup, he speaks from a place of straight, white, male privilege and always has. It’s why POC, women, and LGBT mainly voted for HRC. He doesn’t acre about us, not where it matters to us, although he seems to care an awful lot about the white males who voted for Trump.

Then why did you post it if it’s not some kind of excuse for him? And that rating is based on a few very specific things, it does not encompass everything any of the politicians have done.