
Oh, come on. The newer star treks suck. I think Gene Roddenberry would appreciate this take on the subject matter. Let people enjoy things. It’s a great show.

Okay so what you’re saying is that these assholes believe women want to murder their children. THIS ISN’T ANY BETTER. It still is about controlling women, and controlling women’s intentions, and believe that women just want to murder their children willy nilly. It’s a shitty, horrible way to view women. THEY STILL

old guy gets boners for way too young women is not a unique take on relationships, gag

a young girl is raped and further abused by an adult she went to for help and you think this shit is appropriate to share here? you’re wack.

IT DOES NOT MATTER HE STILL REQUESTED SHE MAKE CHILD PORN FOR HIM YOU SICK FUCK. You’re disgusting trash and probably an abuser yourself.
Are you fucking serious. You know what child porn is. You probably need to be investigated by the FBI. I’m sure you have some.

oh for fuck’s sake he never had any intention to talk to the police or anyone else. his intention was to further victimize this girl, you fucking idiot. IT IS A CRIME FOR REQUESTING AN UNDERAGE GIRL MAKE CHILD PORN FOR YOU. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.

men still harm people (including other men) more than woman tho

men are still trash

Okay homophobic racist piece of shit whatever you say

Since when do victims have to give up their phones? That’s a violation of the constitution. He shouldn’t be coerced into giving up his private information all because HE WAS BRUTALLY ATTACKED. What the fuck kind of fucked up bullshit is that?! As soon as your attacked, your right to privacy just vanishes? Fuck off

How the fuck can you claim you have facts when you literally have zero facts to back up your claims? you’re making shit up. Homophobic. Racist.

Aside from the fact he happened to be alone and by himself at 2am”

Seriously?! Fuck off, homophobic, racist, piece of shit. 

Why the fuck wouldn’t we believe this story without question? Do you REALLY think he’s lying about it?! Why?! Fuck off with this racist, homophobic bullshit.

Yikes dude

aaaaand this is how Trump got elected.

He’s 66. He has Medicare.


how is this a “genetic difference”? show your work, bub

is it really tho? people can be allergic to nearly anything. literally. anything.

Oh, man, he really does think he’s brilliant, doesn’t he? I like Black Mirror in general but sometimes it’s just so in your face with its bitter pessimism. No subtly at all.