
oh boy let’s ask straight white men,who are not the people in danger, how to deal with nazis, that’ll do the trick.

Don’t you love the gaslighting? “I didn’t actually mean 88%! It’s five whole percentage points off but it was just a typo, I swear! You’re so crazy to think I’m racist!”

What. She’s a grown woman and there’s even a much older lady in the video tho?! Personally I don’t actually fully disagree with your point and for example, I love Ariana Grande but sometimes the whole baby shtick is a bit creepy, I don’t disagree with you that it’s a problem in mainstream pop music (and other media)

female doctors can be horrible, too, though. they come from the same patriarchal school of thought, they have the same mostly male asshole teachers that these men do.

He deserves to be in jail.

chill bruh

you don’t even know the history of ice. you don’t deserve an opinion. you’re ignorant.

oh for fuck’s sake.

what? that he’s a old rich white dude? how is that wrong?

Money talks. So do protests and actually supporting people of color rather than sticking to his bullshit “class is the issue, not race” bullshit. and stooping the fucking #alllivesmatter bullshit.

That’s it? That’s all? Just denial? “not what Vermont is about”, he said. He’s WRONG.
Also, he’s not doing shit. Words don’t mean shit. Actions do.

Nope. If you continue to support Trump then you’re not a good person, you are a BLATANTLY racist asshole. Period. There’s no other fucking reason to support him.

Or maybe you’re just a fucking narcissistic who cares only about himself. I hope your wife finds out and takes you for all you’re worth. You deserve it.

Are you a sociopath?

and the truth is that you’re an idiot.

not to mention creepy and objectifying.

no they fucking don’t.

The common denominator in violence isn’t black people; it’s MEN.

He’s also going to be really disappointing in the bedroom and they will get divorced in like, a year, tops.

Were you dropped on your head as an infant? Fetuses aren’t infant, sweetie.