Dildos. Lesbians use dildos (and hands!). They also enjoy penetrative sex.
Dildos. Lesbians use dildos (and hands!). They also enjoy penetrative sex.
Continued therapy as she gets older will help, and she clearly has supportive parents that trust her and believe her. That’s a huge deal. So many abused people/kids have a shit support system.
Pedophiles don’t “get better”.
Cute, but I’m sure they aren’t made for wider foots.
Cute, but I’m sure they aren’t made for wider foots.
They will get away with breaking the law. They will get a measly fine, and no one will be arrested.
Well, they also believe it will never happen to them, or if it does, they didn’t deserve it, but those other girls did. It’s like when pro-lifers get abortions: THEIR abortion was moral and just; others are not. It’s a very common thought process.
I knew a Sterling once, but hew as very, very white, and very, very frat-boy preppy.
Clearly you are an incompetent business owner. Wow. What you’re doing is also highly fucking illegal. But you’re also just REALLY BAD at your job. Like, really job. If you can’t figure out how not to blatantly discriminate, then you’re a shit business owner. I recommend selling to someone far more competent. Also,…
Mid-30's, is my guess. She’s still young enough to get asked the “hey, got kids, question?” but has clearly been away from home for some time.
Wow. You shouldn’t own a business, clearly. What you’re doing is first of all, very illegal, but it’s also very clear you do not have the skills to own a business. You should sell to someone much more competent.
He’s not actually that brilliant. He’s just a mediocre nerd who got lucky. And he’s rich, which helps.
What’s the female version of “uncle tom”?
Dude, I never even mentioned Trump’s name. This is horrible all around. Yes, I know it’s been a problem for a while, but Trump just made it worse. Also, its 2018, can we please focus on the present? Thanks bud.
Dude, I never even mentioned Trump in my comment, stop copy/pasting this bullshit. Talk to someone who gives a fuck.
And eventually, you ruin your liver and you can no longer handle your booze and you turn into a hot mess. It takes a while, though. She’s young and healthy, but by the time she’s 50, she’ll be a waste if she doesn’t chill. I’ve seen it.
Candy is quick, tasty fuel when you otherwise don’t like eating. It’s easy to eat. Packs a lot of calories in a small punch. Gives you energy. Lots of drinkers don’t eat much.
That, and people like to put the blame on women. It’s all her fault he was a creep, dontcha know?
So women are now responsible for a man’s actions? Oh wait, not “now”, “always have been, always will be”. Christ.
The hate for a woman you’ve never met is really sad. What’s up with this sexism from other women? It’s so gross. I’m sure you’ll disagree, but your lack of self-awareness is just sad.
You gain a tolerance, and it’s also clear her mother is a bit of a drinker.